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The moon is getting closer


so many channels and so many streams (Circulate)
Acrylic on canvas with recycled fabric and yarn
~25 X 33 inches
Fluffy Guy conducts his research despite government-moon turmoil (Perseverance)
Acrylic and oil on canvas with recycled fabric, yarn, spray paint, and found objects
~28 X 31 inches (Binoculars body), ~57 X 31 inches (hanging from strap)
worms holding festival where they raise a lantern to make the moon look like a pair of boobs (Knockers)
Acrylic and oil on canvas with recycled fabric
~26 X 23.6 inches
stingrays performing moon-power transfer on suspended platform (Feel the Power)
Acrylic, oil, canvas, recycled fabric, felt, upholstery foam, thread, yarn, wire, and grommets
47.25 X 39 (body), 63 X 74 (including extremities)
stingrays getting each other off while sheltering worm from government-moon research turmoil (Multitasking)
Acrylic and oil on canvas with recycled fabric, and spray paint
~29.5 X 35 inches
stingrays getting each other off while sheltering worm from government-moon research turmoil (Multitasking)
Acrylic and oil on canvas with recycled fabric, and spray paint
~29.5 X 35 inches
stingrays getting each other off while sheltering worm from government-moon research turmoil (Multitasking)
Acrylic and oil on canvas with recycled fabric, and spray paint
~29.5 X 35 inches
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